Cynthia Graber

         print and radio journalist


For Love of Chocolate

A special report on chocolate: the history, the future, and some companies that are trying to make the world a sweeter place through chocolate, one bar at a time.

World Vision Report, February 2011



A Seattle cooking school teaches prepares homeless students to work in the kitchen.

World Vision Report, November 2009


The Law Won

Could we bridge the food divide?

Tablet Magazine, February 2009


Room With a View

Craigie on Main’s new kitchen gives diners a front-row seat.

Boston Globe Sunday Magazine, February 2009


Conflict-Free Diamonds

With the news about how diamonds have financed rebellions, war, even terrorism, what’s a concerned consumer to do?

World Vision Report, December 2006


Friends and Lovers

What happens when two friends navigate the world of online dating?

Boston Globe Sunday Magazine, July 2006


Chavez School

Test scores show that public schools in the nation's capital have been failing a large portion of their students —mostly poor African-Americans and Latinos. But one school in DC has turned those scores around.

World Vision Report, July 2006


Ritual Use of Mercury

The ritual uses of mercury, primarily by Caribbean-Americans, can lead to serious health problems. One group in Lawrence, Mass. is trying to make a difference.

Living on Earth, January 2004


Sweat-Free Clothing

For years, the media has reported on human rights abuses at factories that produce fabric, clothing, and shoes. Now there are a growing number of options for concerned consumers.

World Vision Report, November 2005


Food Force Video Game

How can we interest kids in issues of hunger around the world? The UN’s World Food Programme has a solution: let them play a video game.

World Vision Report, March 2006


Crew Moms

A group of single moms in Holyoke, Massachusetts, is learning to race through life's currents.

World Vision Report, June 2005


Third World Lessons

Most Americans have a tough time imagining what it feels like to live on only a few dollars a day. That experience is brought home to American students who spend a week with Heifer International.

World Vision Report, October 2005


Children of Uganda

More than 15 million children have been orphaned around the world by AIDS, often. ending up in a life of poverty and neglect. But in Uganda, a small number of AIDS orphans got the chance to sing and dance their way to a better life.

World Vision Report, May 2006


Streets to Dance Stage

For Anthony Williams, his first dance class turned into a career that helped him escape the poverty of the Boston projects where he grew up. Today, he runs a dance studio near his old neighborhood.

World Vision Report, July 2005


Culture: Stories of our Lives
